OnStatusChange Event

Fires when the status changes.


    function id_name::OnStatusChange()
    The status is a value between 0 and 5:

    0 : stopped
    1 : initializing
    2 : preview
    3 : capture
    4 : playback
    5 : compress
    The following example shows the functionality of the SiteCam ActiveX Control.

    <table border="0" bgcolor="#ebebeb" width="600" cellspacing="5"
    cellpadding="5" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;"
    <tr><td bgcolor="f8f8f8">
    The Webcam [Plug-In] provides functions to use a webcam. Click "preview"
    to start the streaming, "capture" to start recording the
    stream, "compress" to save a recorded stream, "play" to play
    the last recorded stream, "snapshot" to take and save a single
    picture or "stop" to stop all actions.
    <tr><td style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;">
    <object classid='clsid:54632F4A-055A-44C1-B1E6-EDB62AC2AC3E'
    id='webcam' border='0' width='320' height='240' style='margin:5px;'>
    <span id='cst' style='position:relative;top:5px;'>Status: -</span>
    <span id='id_camprogress'>Progress: -</span>
    <span id='id_camlastimage'>Last image: -</span>
    <span id='id_camlastvideo'>Last video: -</span>
    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
    function webcam::OnStatusChange()
       switch (webcam.Status)
          case 0 : cst.innerHTML = "Status: stopped";break;
          case 1 : cst.innerHTML = "Status: initializing";break;
          case 2 : cst.innerHTML = "Status: preview started";break;
          case 3 : cst.innerHTML = "Status: capture started";break;
          case 4 : cst.innerHTML = "Status: playback started";break;
          case 5 : cst.innerHTML = "Status: compressing";break;
       if (webcam.LastVideoFile == "") camlvf = "-";
       else camlvf = webcam.LastVideoFile;
       id_camlastvideo.innerHTML = "Last video: " + camlvf;
    function webcam::OnProgressChange(pr, prmax)
       id_camprogress.innerHTML = pr + " / " + prmax;
    function webcam::OnSnapshot(filename)
       camlif = filename;
       id_camlastimage.innerHTML = "Last image: " + camlif;
    function webcam::OnError(errorcode)
       switch (errorcode)
          case 1 : alert("Error : device lost");break;
          case 2 : alert("Error : init failed");break;
    function delfiles()
       cst.innerHTML = "Status: files deleted";
    function camaction(camactionid)
       if (webcam.IsSiteCamEnabled)
          switch (camactionid)
             case 1 : webcam.Preview();break;
             case 2 : webcam.Capture();break;
             case 3 : webcam.Snapshot();break;
             case 4 : webcam.Compress();break;
             case 5 : webcam.Stop();break;
             case 6 : webcam.PlayFile();break;
             case 7 : delfiles();break;
       } else alert("The Webcam plugin has not been configured");
    if (webcam.IsSiteCamEnabled)
       window.setTimeout("camaction(1)", 1500);
       cst.innerHTML = "Status: The Webcam plugin has not been configured";
    <div align="center">
    <a href="javascript:camaction(1)">Preview</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="javascript:camaction(2)">Capture</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="javascript:camaction(4)">Compress</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="javascript:camaction(6)">Play</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="javascript:camaction(3)">Snapshot</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="javascript:camaction(5)">Stop</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="javascript:camaction(7)">Delete created files</a>

Applies to
    SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).

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